Current aid project: Africa
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Under the name Miara we have initiated together with Network Civil Crisis Staff members of the Network Civil a platform for people and organizations who want to help suffering people in Africa.
Within the framework of this platform, we are initially supporting three projects in Madagascar.
Here Navid Kermani started his research about Africa for the “ Zeit“ in August 2022 (see also the report from September 22nd). In April 2023, he traveled through Tigrey in northern Ethiopia and referred three more projects to us.
1. station for malnourished children in Aksum
Hawelti e.V. has been supporting students at the Hawelti School in Axum since 2007. Due to considerable economic hardship, large parts of the population suffer from food shortages.
Together with Hawelti, we support the children’s ward for the malnourished in the referral hospital. The ward has eight large rooms with a total of 45 beds.
2. trauma ward for victims of sexual violence in Mekelle
The war in Tigray has resulted in hundreds of thousands of children, adolescents and elderly women suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, severe depression and other health problems, as well as significant family and social problems. Abandoned by their relatives, they are often left to fend for themselves and are afraid to talk about their plight with anyone.
In cooperation with etiopien-Witten e.V. http:/we would like to support a center for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence at the Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital (ACSH). ACSH was established in 2008 and serves as a drop-in center for nearly ten million people in northern Ethiopia (Tigray, Afar and Amhara regions). Some of the center’s employees have been through the same experiences, which allows them to get closer to them.
In addition to emergency care, there is also a safe shelter with 30 beds. In addition to psychological care and life skills training, the center also aims to provide economic start-up assistance.
3. the children’s village Wukro
The Swiss association SELAM started its work in Ethiopia 35 years ago with an orphanage. In the meantime, schools, a training center, a clinic and some projects for the local population in three Ethiopian cities have been added.
The children’s village „Selam Elshadai Children Village Wukro“ remained untouched during the war and now appears like an island in the sea of devastation.
School started again on May 1, with about 770 children instead of about 600 as before. The library and laboratory have also been transformed into classrooms.
Similarly, in the children’s home, they are starting to put beds in the living room as well. The government wants them to add 40 more children to the existing 160.
Fortunately, the staff is highly motivated and working hard. There is still a big lack of material, the own clinic has no more medicine and supplies, also no autoclave or laboratory equipment.
Please help: Keyword Tigrey or one of the three projects
Doctors for Madagascar
The organization „Doctors for Madagascar“ has been working on the ground for 10 years. In 2013, a clinic was built, which is now independently organized and supported. The association, which is registered in Germany, supports seventy existing hospitals and health centers with partner contracts. These include training for doctors and medical support staff, as well as financial support. The association employs ninety of its own, mainly local staff, and works at four locations. The focus of its work is on the health of mothers and their children and the treatment of tuberculosis patients. It also runs three emergency ambulances.
We support the treatment of tuberculosis (TB).
Currently, about 1,500 TB patients are undergoing treatment in the Atsimo-Andrefana region. This is done mainly through mobile clinics, hospitalization buildings for severely ill patients („recovery wards“) and several tuberculosis laboratories. Our support helps the mostly very poor people to finance their often very long journeys. In addition, we would like to help install ventilation for the laboratories and build shelters („chalets“) for the mobile clinics in the bush.
Mobile Aid Madagascar e.V.
The organization founded by Tanja Hoek was warmly recommended to us by Anestis Ioanidis, the head of Human Plus and account manager of Miara. MHM operates an outpatient health center with various specialties as well as an obstetric hospital and a training center.
In addition, it operates 4 mobile care units.
– the midwife mobile to provide care to pregnant women living on the streets of the nearby capital.
– the dentist mobile for the care in difficult to reach outside areas and especially children also in friendly projects,
– the kidsmobil for the care of street children
– an ambulance for the transport of patients.
For this valuable work, with a total of 147 Malagasy employees, we need your support. We support the project both directly and through Miara. Please help.
The association Ukunda Hilfe e.V. in Kenya was highly recommended to us by a friend who knows the chairwoman personally. It was the cameraman of the WDR team that filmed us on Lesbos in 2015 and who has also supported our work since then. We were immediately enthusiastic and would like to support Ukunda Hilfe both ourselves and through Miara.
The association started its work 20 years ago in the town of Ukunda with school sponsorships, construction of schools, kindergartens and wells. Due to the great drought, however, the focus is now on hunger relief. For 1400 Euro per month, 350 school children receive free breakfast and lunch and the water tanks of the school are filled with fresh water twice a week. But due to lack of finances these and other projects will have to be stopped if we and others do not help. With your support we hope to be able to finance not only the existing projects but also other projects and thank the helpers on site for their valuable work.
Reconstruction of the Tiwi Kwa Sammy Medical Centre
The Tiwi Kwa Sammy Medical Centre treats about 80,000-100,000 people per year, mostly vulnerable children, men and women from poor and disadvantaged backgrounds. High-quality health care including approx. 20 births per month is offered at very reasonable prices (approx. 40% of the usual costs). Patients who have no financial means are also treated free of charge.
But this basic care is now in danger because of the Trans African Highway, which will lead from Cairo in the north to the tip of South Africa. Bulldozers will demolish all houses that stand on the confiscated land. In an emergency procedure, some rooms will now be built on the undeveloped land behind the clinic building, reusing the building materials, in order to keep the clinic running.
The association Ukunda Hilfe e.V., with which we cooperate, has already donated 35,000 EUR for the reconstruction.
Please help to keep up the medical care for these people.
Here is a current mail from September 21st from Anneliese Jaquet, the president of Ukunda Hilfe:
Dear Khalil, thank you very much – also to your wife.
„Through some small and your big donations we are now able to build the toilets, septic tank etc..
The builders are very busy at the moment and are working at full speed so that most of the clinic can be moved to the replacement building before the threat of can move into the replacement building before the demolition threatens. Right now, workers are putting up the roof trusses with the corrugated metal roofing. The covers for the room ceilings will be removed from the „old building“ over the next few days and moved to the new wing. It is all makeshift so that the people in this area will continue to have a hospital they can afford. Of course we hope to receive more donations so that we can improve this makeshift medical care even more. You guys have really helped us a lot. Thank you.“
The thanks goes to you, dear donors !
All this is only possible with your support. Thank you for your donation!
Avicenna Kultur- und Hilfswerk e.V.
Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank – apoBank
IBAN: DE 55 3006 0601 0005 0195 00