Aktuelles Hilfsprojekt: Irak

Current aid project: Irak


[one_half]Type of aid:
Theatre project, medicines / relief goods / gifts for children[/one_half][one_half_last]Aid since:

In Sulaymaniyah, in Kurdish Iraq, a theatre workshop took place under the direction of the Berlin director Stefan Otteni. With the help of the German Foreign Office, the theatre project could be financed through the mediation of Avicenna. We visited the friendly Christian community where rehearsals were taking place and began our support for the Syrian and Iraqi refugees there.

We also visited a medical station in Mosul and provided them with medicine. We funded a radio station for the refugee camps.

At Christmas 2020, we funded the transport of 4,000 „Love in a Box“ gift packages to northern Iraq and in May 2021, we are planning another visit to northern Iraq to support the Yazidis living there who have fled IS.

You can read more about our work in Irak in our blog.


All this is only possible with your support. Thank you for your donation!


Avicenna Kultur- und Hilfswerk e.V.
Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank – apoBank
IBAN: DE 55 3006 0601 0005 0195 00
BIC: DAAEDEDDXXX[/one_third][one_third]




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