Current aid project: Bangladesh
[one_half]Type of aid:
Huts, wells, food[/one_half][one_half_last]Aid since:
According to the United Nations, the Rohingya from Myanmar form the world’s most persecuted minority and very many have fled to neighbouring Bangladesh.
The people persecuted in Myanmar flee across the border river between the two countries mainly to the camps around Cox Bazar. With about one million people, this is the largest refugee camp in the world. Some of the Rohingya who have been living in the region for a long time work for very low wages in the surrounding fields or receive support from relatives who work in Arab countries. Only the smaller registered part receives a small, governmental support, such as rice, oil and sugar every fortnight. Otherwise, UNHCR and some NGOs try to help. When new waves of people arrive, these people, still suffering from the consequences of the terror they and their relatives were exposed to in Myanmar, are first accommodated in the existing huts, in which several families often live in a very confined space. The government prohibits the construction of stable huts, so that every year with the monsoon most of the huts are destroyed again. In all camps, especially in the largest one, Kutupalong, the hygienic conditions are also catastrophic. The toilets contaminate the groundwater and there is hardly any clean drinking water. Most of the children suffer from intestinal and infectious skin diseases. Officials forbid any contact with or assistance to the unregistered refugees and prosecute them. The people are supposed to be in such bad shape that no more refugees come. Accordingly, at the beginning of our work in spring 2017, our helpers provided their help without official permission and with the constant risk of being arrested. In the meantime, Avicenna helpers are there regularly and have a cooperation with a local, recognised NGO. We build huts, install pumps for wells, distribute water filters and food.
You can read more about our work with the Rohingyas in our blog.
All this is only possible with your support. Thank you for your donation!
Avicenna Kultur- und Hilfswerk e.V.
Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank – apoBank
IBAN: DE 55 3006 0601 0005 0195 00
BIC: DAAEDEDDXXX[/one_third][one_third]