
Hilfe in Dunkirk

Ein Bericht von Cherylyn Vanzuela mit ihren Fotos

„Grande-Synthe Camp“ in Dunkirk is far worse than „Jungle“


Dunkirk is 30km away from Calais an it is just a 3,5 hour trip from cologne. This place is in a park in middle of the city and is a short hop from the residential neighborhood in Dunkirk.
I didn´t know that a camp could be far worse than „Jungle“ in Calais. But it is. The people of the Grand-Synthe camp are living in horrendous conditions – more dirt, more mud and more than 2.000 people are living in this area with less than 30 toilets and only 2 drinking water points and the people are freezing in their tents!
This camp is just a big disaster. It is very sad to see the people living in this bad conditions. 


Got back from another relief action of Avicenna Hilfswerk e.V. in cooperation with Islamicrelief Kleiderkammer, City of Hope, Ev. Kirchengemeinde Brüggen/Erft and a turkish bakery.






elmar1Avicenna e.V. brought to the people collected auxiliary materials like pallets, clothes, baby-products, food, shoes etc.









A friend who is a turkish baker joined Avicenna e.V. to donate his 300 handmade fresh bread and pallets of kurdish food.

I thank all the people, who assume responsibilty and want to help people with heart and soul!





if you want to help or get involved:

Avicenna Hilfswerk

Aid Box Convoy

Care 4 Calais

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